Machine Learning, STSCI 3740/5740

Instructor: Dr. Nayel Bettache.
Office: Surge B 158, 220 Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853.
Email: nayel [dot] bettache [at] cornell [dot] edu


The following schedule is a general outline that we plan to follow. Depending on the pace of the course, some topics may be explored in greater detail, while others might be adjusted or omitted. Assignments are currently planned to be released on Thursdays of the corresponding week, though this is subject to change.

Office hours


This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques in statistical learning and machine learning, with a focus on understanding the theoretical underpinnings of various machine learning algorithms and their implementation in R (and tentatively in Python).


By the end of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Explain the concepts of regression, classification, and clustering, and apply them to real-world problems.
  2. Implement machine learning algorithms in R (and tentatively in Python).
  3. Evaluate and compare the performance of different machine learning models.
  4. Understand the trade-offs involved in model selection and regularization.


The lectures for this course will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:40am to 12:55pm in Phillips Hall, room 101.



The materials for this class will be uploaded on this page. It is entirely your responsibility to download them as needed. A brief description of these materials follows.

Grading Policy

Your grade in this class will be based on homeworks and exams, as detailed below.

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are encouraged to engage fully in this course, and your access needs are a priority. To ensure that your approved accommodations are arranged in a timely manner, you must request your accommodation letter via the SDS Student Portal by August 31st.

For students who are already registered with the Student Disability Services (SDS), please note that once you request your accommodation letter, it may take up to 48 hours for the letter to be processed and sent to me. If you are not yet registered with SDS, be aware that the process to register and receive new accommodations can take up to three weeks. Once approved, you will be able to request your accommodation letter for this course.

If you are approved for accommodations later in the semester, it is important that you request your accommodation letter as soon as possible to avoid any delays in receiving the necessary support.

Students with Exam Accommodations

Regarding exam accommodations, this course is participating in the Alternative Testing Program (ATP). All exams will be centrally managed by the ATP, and relevant information will be communicated through and your SDS Student Portal. It is important to stay informed by reading these communications and visiting for additional details about the ATP process.

Starting in Fall 2023, students no longer need to request each individual exam. However, if you have an academic conflict with a scheduled exam time, you must submit an ”exam request form” in the SDS Student Portal. All requests for conflict exams must be submitted no later than 10 business days prior to the exam date, and conflict exams will be scheduled at standard times.

For all relevant information and to manage your accommodations, please visit the SDS Student Portal at

Academic Integrity

Course materials provided in this class are the intellectual property of the instructor. Students are strictly prohibited from buying, selling, or distributing any course materials without the express permission of the instructor. Engaging in such unauthorized activities is considered academic misconduct and will be treated accordingly.

Every student in this course is expected to adhere to the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity. All work submitted for academic credit must be the student’s own original work. The use of AI resources, including tools like ChatGPT, is strictly prohibited in this class.

Wellness Resources

The material provided below has been thoughtfully compiled by students from the Body Positive Cornell organization. It offers a well-researched and comprehensive list of well-being resources available on campus. For detailed information and guidance, please refer to the following resource: